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German man rips off friend's testicles for not responding to fondling

Melbourne, Tue, 12 Jan 2010 ANI

Melbourne, Jan 12 (ANI): A German man is said to have ripped off his friend's testicles after the latter failed to respond to his drunken fondling.


According to, Hans O., 45, appeared in Dusseldorf district court with the public prosecutor accusing him of committing sexual abuse and grievous bodily harm.


The incomprehensible incident took place on September 2 last year, when Hans and his mate Alexander J. met in the afternoon in the centre of Neuss, a town near Dusseldorf where they began drinking.


The court heard the defendant then unbuttoned the trousers of his friend who was sleeping on the couch, and began fondling his genitals, but when Alexander failed to show any physical response, Hans became furious.


"He twisted the scrotum repeatedly until it broke. Then he took the testicles and hurled them from the window," the Daily Telegraph quoted the prosecutor as saying.


Despite his life-threatening injuries, Alexander O. managed to travel the two kilometres to his home where his mother called an ambulance.


Police later found the testicles on the roof where they lay in the snow guard.


The prosecutor wants Hans O. to be taken into psychiatric accommodation, and he has declined to comment.


"I'm saying nothing else," he stated. (ANI)



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