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Gilani wants more five-star hotels, entertainment places in Islamabad but silent about funds

Islamabad, Tue, 05 Jan 2010 ANI

Islamabad, Jan. 5 (ANI): Pakistan Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani has said that there is a need to build more five-star hotels, entertainment places and conference halls in Islamabad to address the need of tourists and businessmen.


"Islamabad should be developed as an exemplary city for being capital and a major hub of tourists and investors. There is a need to build five-star hotels, entertainment places and conference halls to address the needs of businessmen," The Dawn quoted Gilani, as saying.


Addressing a ceremony to hand over possession letters to plot owners of Sector D-12 in the Pakistani capital, Gilani made several promises to the residents about provision of better civic amenities, and directed the Capital Development Authority (CDA) bosses to ensure them by any means.


However, he did not clarify how the CDA will execute these projects amid the unprecedented financial crunch confronting the civic agency.


"Gas, electricity, sewerage (system) and parks should be made available on priority basis in new sectors," Gilani said.


Gilani stressed that there should be a proper layout instead of haphazard construction that could mar the capital's beauty.


He directed the CDA chief, Imtiaz Inayat Elahi, to improve conditions in katchi abadis (slums), as the poor must be given their due rights.


In order to overcome the transportation problems confronting the locals, Gilani asked the CDA to start a bus service to cater for the growing population.


He also called for constructing a zoo of international standard, an information technology park and a 'Knowledge City'.


"Focus on the concept of citizens committee to highlight the issues of health, education and development," Gilani said. (ANI)


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