Nevada (US), Dec 21 (ANI): Hindus worldwide have applauded Singapore for issuing a special Airmail Aerogramme marking Deepavali (Diwali), the most popular Hindu festival also known as "festival of lights".
Acclaimed Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA) today, said that Singapore coming out with Deepavali Aerogramme was a great honor for Hindus in Singapore and worldwide. Zed, who is president of Universal Society of Hinduism, urged other countries of the world also to issue stamps and other postal materials about symbols and concepts of Hinduism, oldest and third largest religion of the world with rich philosophical thought whose ultimate goal was moksha (liberation).
This Aerogramme shows a girl and a boy with folded hands and some lighted lamps, etc. Singapore Post, which issued this Aerogramme, has a heritage dating back to 1819. Lim Ho Kee is the chairman of its Board.ity-State Republic of Singapore, with flourishing port and glittering skyscrapers, is one of the world's most affluent places.
It is a multi-religious country with Buddhists (about 43pc) leading others in numbers. Tamil is one of the official languages along with English, Malay, and Chinese. (ANI)