London, Dec 28 (ANI): Facebook has introduced a new gimmick that allows you to instantly make photos, logos and other images appear in chat windows.
The new feature works in three simple steps.
Go to the personal profile, official page, or event you want to use as an emoticon. Then take a look at the URL and find the username or profile ID number at the end of it.
Now, any time you're chatting and want to refer to a mutual friend, a brand, or public figure, place that name or number between double brackets and press enter.
The bracketed number or letters will appear as a tiny profile picture.
For a picture of Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg, users can simply type in [[zuck]].o make a Coca Cola symbol appear, write [[cocacola]] and so on.
The function is a step forward from 'tagging' friends by making their name a link, The Daily Mail reports.
It could mean the end of emoticons, in which colons, brackets and other symbols are used to create smiley faces. (ANI)