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SC/ST to get reservation for UG courses in medical colleges

New Delhi, Tue, 26 Feb 2008 NI Wire

The Union Health Minister Anbumani Ramadoss on Monday said that the government’s intention to introduce reservation for SC/ST students in medical and dental colleges of the country for the under graduate courses under the All India Entrance Examination.

With the purposed reservation, the medical colleges now has to maintain a 15 percent reservation for Schedule Caste and 7.5 percent for Schedule Tribes in the exams conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).

Earlier the ministry had introduced a similar quota for PG course and this time with the quota in effect, it would benefit 310 SC and 155 ST students out of the total number from MBBS/BDS seats of 2,075 that were earlier fixed under merit list.

Though there was no such reservation from Centre but state government do have their quota system in effect and hence there would be no rise in the total number seats as said by the Health Minister.

All India Quota PG Seats 2007

In 2007 the government had made available the same number in percentage for PG students from All India Quota as per merit determined by all India PG entrance examination conducted by AIIMS, New Delhi.

It is applicable for the total 3085 PG Seats including degree and diploma in around 125 medical colleges all across the country.

The recent proposal came after the Supreme Court left it to the Central government to come up with an appropriate policy after hearing an application filed by the Health Ministry in this regard.

Reservation Row

The year 2007 too witness intense objection for the purposed reservation of 50 percent seats in all medical colleges for ‘disadvantage’ students on the basis of caste.

Nationwide protests were launched by students and various other organisations against the proposal quota for the Other Backward Class (OBC) students.

Read More: Delhi

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February 28, 2008 at 12:00 AM

It is the Raj of divide and rule in India. No wonder the other countries make fun of our policies.Indtead of giving encouragement to merit a group of people are doing their best to divide India further.very recently we saw a divided India in Maharashtra.When we were growing up we looked upon everyone as an equal but nowadays students are heard saying Oh he/ she got the admission because of a quota.The trend is going to be more harmful than we can even think of.
May GOD give Indians better sense.


February 28, 2008 at 12:00 AM

I think if Reservation is swept into every part of life later there would be nothing left for the ordinary person for whom being in a general category is a bane and the so called SC/STs and other reservation categories who inspite of not being eligible or capable climb over all others and make hay. India being a country of differences, we are matured enough wherein we have to have just 2 categories one is ecnomically weak and economically well off category. Give all that is needed for the economically weak section so that they would be able to educate their children well. In case of the current system, if you see 70% of the so called SC/ST category eligibles are having false certificates. If we spend around 5 to 10k one can get a SC/ST certificate done any tahasildar office across India. These SC/ST and other reservation categories usually are well off economically. It think it is time for everyone to wake up and stop this hapening. I am also sure that this would not happen in a country like ours as we are dependent on corrupt politicians who leverage their vote pool on these reservation categories. So the ulitmate sufferers are the General category people. God should save the country and Education is the right of only the SC/ST or reservation category lucky Families. So this shows the way for everyone to get a falsified reservation certificates done and inturn increase corruption. These are chain events which is self triggred because of our system. All the best for the future to the General catgeory people.



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