London, Nov 3 (ANI): Search giant Google will now index public comments that are made on websites using Facebook.
The move means that all comments on any publicly visible website could show up in Google search results.
Previously, search engines were unable to read comments because sites like Facebook, Disqus and Intense Debate used programming that was not easy to read automatically.
But now the web tools that Google uses to trawl the web and index content are able to read comments that have been made using Facebook's Connect add-in for other websites, as well as other equivalent services, the Telegraph reports.
According to the report, the update means links featured in comments will also enhance websites' standing.
The move also means that posts and conversations in comment threads will be easier to find.
Search queries using terms such as "commenter name" will now bring up comments made across the web by named individuals, the report said. (ANI)