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Deceased UK cricket fan's ashes to be scattered at 12 Test grounds around world per his will

London , Thu, 04 Aug 2011 ANI

London, Aug 4(ANI): A British cricket fan has left instructions for friends to scatter his ashes at Test grounds around the world, including India.


According to The Times, Stanley Johnson died recently in New Zealand, but not before making specific instructions.


Eight of Johnson's friends will now receive an envelope containing a portion of his ashes and instructions about where they should be scattered.


As he has left funds to cover travel expenses, the group of friends will travel to Test grounds in India, Pakistan, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Sri Lanka and the West Indies.


The first scattering will be at London's Oval ground next week, while the last will be at Church, a cricket club in Lancashire where Johnson once played.


Each friend will wear a T-shirt emblazoned with "Stanley Johnson's Ashes Tour" and have been told to make a toast with a local brew as the remains are scattered.


"Stanley was a real cricket fan in life and death," his cousin Christine said.


"All the instructions about where people must go with his ashes were in his will and now those wishes will be carried out," she added. (ANI)


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