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Spacecraft lost in 1967 found by NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter?

Washington, Thu, 28 Jul 2011 ANI

Washington, July 28 (ANI): NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter may have found a spacecraft that was lost in 1967.


The Lunar Orbiter 2 was sent to the moon to map out possible landing sites for the Apollo missions, and although its efforts weren't the most successful, the spacecraft made its mark in history for taking a photograph of the lunar surface widely considered the "picture of the century."


NASA intentional crashed the satellite on the far side of the moon, out of the sight of telescopes and radios - meaning the space agency has no idea what happened to the craft.


New information sheds light on that decades-old loose end, from imagery taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), a spacecraft with a similar mission to its predecessor, sent to orbit the moon and map the entire lunar surface in incredible detail.


A new picture from the LRO details a strange, butterfly-shaped pattern that indicates a pile of lunar rubble - but whether it is a comet impact or the crash landing of a space probe, even the scientists studying the image are sure. (ANI)


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