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Anti-Telangana leaders press for unified Andhra Pradesh

New Delhi, Wed, 20 Jul 2011 ANI

New Delhi, July 20 (ANI): Congress leaders who are against the bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh met Home Minister, P. Chidambaram to persuade the central government to not give into the pressure for creation of the separate state of Telangana.


Talking to reporters after meeting on Tuesday, Andhra Pradesh's Higher Education Minister, K. Sailajanath said they have requested the government to abide the sixth recommendation given by the Srikrishna committee that suggests giving constitutional powers to Telangana with the formation of a regional council, keeping Andhra Pradesh united.


"We unanimously demanded that and requested that please implement the only one recommendation that is sixth proposal of Srikrishna committee, that is state should be kept unified, and prepare specific programmes for development of underdeveloped areas of Andhra Pradesh," said Sailajanath.


Sailajanath further said the home minister assured the leaders that the government would take a well thought out decision in the interest of all, requesting peace is maintained in the state.


"He (P. Chidambaram) told us that this government wouldn't take any decision on bias. Impartially they will take decision, please maintain peace and good environment for discussions," he said.


The Telangana statehood demand gained momentum after over 100 MLAs and 15 MPs, cutting across party lines, submitted their resignations to respective presiding officers.


Earlier, Chidambaram said that despite the bulk resignations, President's Rule in Andhra Pradesh has not been debated so far.


He also said that the Congress is upset about the bulk resignations and hoped to "engage with" politicians from Telangana region.


He said that he hoped that the campaign for Telangana would not lead to breakdown of law and order.


The four-decade-old demand for Telangana, which seeks to carve out of the economically less developed part of Andhra Pradesh, gathered momentum last year after the Congress-led UPA Government accepted the demand in principle.


Several protests and shutdowns had brought Andhra Pradesh to a near halt in 2009 and 2010, as pro-Telangana activists persisted with their demand. (ANI)


Read More: Delhi | Andhra | Congress

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