Last night Mumbai witnessed a grand launch of “Desi Kattey” movie's trailer which was attended by many Bollywood stars. Bollywood's Anna Suniel Shetty was first to arrive and seen interacting with Director-Producer Anand Kumar. Suneil Shetty said, "I am really very happy that finally the trailer of my movie is out and now I'm looking forward to the success of the same. Tia Bajpai added glamour to the party and was looking gorgeous in a pink gown.
Sasha Agha khan was looking pretty cute in traditional attire, she said, "I am quite excited to launch my movie trailer. I am playing the Character of a Simple desi girl." Desi Kattey' is an action-drama film which is set in Kanpur and revolves around two children who work in a pistol factory and turn out to be sharp shooters.
Jay Bhanusali came along with his wife and the latter was seen discussing with actor Akhil Kapur about the movie as both male actors turn as shooting experts in the movie. Jay Bhanusali said, "I play this character called Gyani. He is a boy who makes desi pistol since his childhood. It is a story about how this boy represents India as a shooter in Olympics." Bollywood's most wanted cop Murli Sharma was seen chatting with Claudia Ciesla, who has grooved to desi tunes in the film.