Vivek Budakoti's Pied Piper, produced by Rajita Sharma wins the Best Film at Gothenburg International Film Festival in Sweden after winning Best Screenplay at Cardiff Independent Film Festival. Simultanoeusly, the film has also been salected to be screened at the prestigious Shanghai International Film Festival.
Pied Piper is a satirical folklore of a simple laundryman,Chunnilal (played by Rajpal Yadav), who is rumoured to have acquired his beloved donkey’s brains in a freak accident. Charming millions with his asinine traits, Chunnilal soon rises to become the most popular hero of his time .Ill at ease by his non-conformist approach, suspicious establishment starts to fear his influence on society. He must be stopped. Or better, he must be eliminated. The question remains, however, whether Chunnilal, the hero of a people, can altogether be erased from a collective consciousness? A tale of a simple man’s tryst with his asinine conscience laced with wry humour, the film mirrors the current socio-political turmoil in Democratic India.
Pied Piper, incidentally, already has an overcrowded cap. It has earlier won the Best Film category at the Delhi International Film Festival and the Best Film at LUMS (Lahore University Management Studies) International Film Festival 2014, besides prestigious selections at the Mumbai FIlm Festival MAMI 2013; Fer film Festival, Republic of Kosoves 2013; Alexandria Film Festival, Washington DC 2013; Freethought International Film Festival, Orlando 2013; Chicago South Asian Film Festival 2013; Jogja NETPAC Asian Film Festival, Indonesia 2013; Rafi Peer International Film Festival, Lahore 2013; Daring Independent Film Festival, Toronto 2013; Dhaka International Film Festival 2014; The Indian International Film of South Africa; Berlin International Directors Lounge among others.