The mood was ecstatic at the celebratory bash hosted by Entrepreneur Poonam Kumar for the successful launch as well as the overwhelming response of Designer Pawan Sachdeva's recently unveiled collections Andaaz-e-Nawab & Fairy Tale. It was a Sufiyana Evening at The Aquarium Lounge, GK II where on popular demand, models walked once again in his Mughal Era inspired Mens wear collection.
Guests were taken in for a pleasant surprise when the models walked in attires like a Jama paired with a flared skirt and also its modern avtar like a floral motif transparent cotton kurta teamed with pencil trousers teamed with a very stylish Chikankari jacket. Pawan’s profound design sensibilities were evident in each exclusive creation.
The sufiyana mood was heightened by live singing followed by the guests singing their favorite sufi numbers with the RJ.
Guests included Shalini Chauhan, Dr. Arti Amit Bhasin, Harjinder Kaur, Sonia & Pradeep Goel Rekha Vinnet Kataria, Shweta Amanveer Singh, Harsh Khullar, Karanvir Chauhan, Romaan, Nikhil, Harsheen, Vipul Amar, Ekansh Bansal Prayas, among others.