Here we introduce the upcoming Hollywood movie Noah.
This is probably the only controversial Hollywood release in this month and can spur more controversy and religious antagonism in the post release period. Scheduled for 28th March release this Biblical epic based upon the famous visionary character Noah in Bible has been subject to lot of debates on the accuracy of historical accounts. This religious sentimentalities and debates apart Noah is expectedly going to draw large audience with its wide screen compelling narrative on one of the most intriguing visionary character of Bible. Noah is directed by Darren Aronofsky and stars Russell Crowe in the lead role. With high profile star cast, compelling storyline and ensuing controversy the film is expected to put a good show.
The plot of the film follows the Biblical story of Noah's vision in close detail. Noah is the visionary depicted in the Bible who suffers incredibly from his visions of an apocalyptic deluge and put up all his efforts to save his family from ruining in the imminent flood envisioned by him. Russell Crowe who is known for his charismatic portrayal of epic and historical characters can make Noah true blockbuster stuff with his gritty acting.
Following are the casts in major roles of the film.
Noah - Official Movie Trailer 1