Mumbai, May 17 (IANS) Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, who missed the first of her two scheduled appearances at the 67th Cannes International Film Festival due to an air traffic controllers' strike in France, will now take to the red carpet at the gala May 20.
The actress' official spokesperson posted on Twitter Saturday: "Today Aishwarya will be shooting an ad and doing media interactions. On the red carpet on (May) 20, 21 and AMFAR on (May) 22."
Aishwarya represents global cosmetics brand L'Oréal Paris at the annual gala, and she was slated to walk the red carpet Friday. However, her flight from London to Nice was delayed, and the L'Oréal Paris team made quick arrangements for her appearance on an alternate day.
"We are sure she will dazzle as always," Manashi Guha, general manager, L'Oréal Paris India, had earlier said of the former beauty queen's appearance.
Aishwarya has been attending the Festival de Cannes on behalf of the brand for 13 years now. This year, Cannes is also playing host to amfAR's Cinema Against AIDS fundraiser, which Aishwarya will be part of.
Meanwhile, back home, filmmaker Sanjay Gupta has announced that Aishwarya will be making her comeback with his film "Jazbaa".