Washington, Mar. 04 (ANI): Google has been reportedly allowed by a US court to keep the controversial anti-Islamic movie on its YouTube service after removing the performance of an actress involved in the matter, who claimed copyright infringement.
The US Court of Appeals has permitted the search giant to keep the trailer of 'Innocence of Muslims,' but after removing the performance of actress Cindy Lee Garcia.
Garcia had claimed that the video, which included her part that she did for another unreleased movie, would cause her irreparable harm if there weren't an injunction on it, as she was subject to death threats, PC World reports.
However, Google has argued that an acting performance like Garcia's cannot be copyrighted and that the Copyright Act makes a distinction between a copyrightable work and its performance.
YouTube had been asked to take down the controversial film, which sparked off protests in a number of countries in 2012.
Last week, Google had asked the court to allow it to retain the trailer online until the disposition of its upcoming petition for a full-court rehearing of the earlier decision, the report said. (ANI)