Delhi Transport Minister Ramakant Goswami inaugurated Okhla-IV bus depot and also flagged off Delhi Transit buses on routes 500, 47A and 717A that come under the clusters 3, 4, and 5.
On the occasion, Goswami said that Dimts as the Integrated Mechanism will monitor the operation of the buses under this cluster on behalf of Government of Delhi. AB Grains Private Limited is the government’s concessionaire for these clusters that will operate the fleet of the buses and drivers. He said that Okhla-IV bus depot has the capacity to park 80 buses. With the introduction of the three new routes, passengers from south Delhi will now be able to avail of the services of the orange coloured Delhi Transit buses (cluster buses).
Goswami said that the total number of cluster buses operating on these routes is 36 taking the total fleet of Delhi Transit buses to 694. The total number routes currently operational including these new routes is 43. In the coming days cluster bus will also start operation on routes 540 and 548, under the same clusters.
He further added that buses of Clusters 3, 4 and 5 are semi-low floor and equipped with GPS, internal audio-visual announcement of approaching bus stops and electronic ticketing machines. As on all Delhi Transit buses, the route and destination of each bus will be displayed externally on three electronic boards on the front, rear and on the left hand side of the bus respectively.