Crime Branch has busted an organized betting racket and arrested culprits indulged in betting for the IPL matches. The name of the persons are Rajinder Kumar Ahuja , Ravi Bellan, Vinay Kumar , Ajay Arora , Subhash Chand Arora. Ten mobile phones, being used in the betting, stake money of Rs.45500/, LCD TV, 2 calculators have also been recovered along with other writing material.
According to Ravindra Yadav, Addl. Commissioner of Police, Crime Branch a secret input was received in Crime Branch that one Rajinder Kumar r/o Jeevan Park, Uttam Nagar is organizing a cricket betting in his house and he will be writing ‘Satta’ during the match between ‘Mumbai Indians’ and ‘Pune Warriors’ scheduled to be held on 11.05.2013 and that if a raid is conducted, the criminals can be nabbed red handed.
He said that raid was conducted at the given address at about 6 pm. Inside the room, the cricket match between ‘Mumbai Indians’ and ‘Pune Warriors’ was being telecast live on a LCD TV. The accused were using two telephone lines to receive the betting rates from the bookies.
Accused Rajinder Kumar Ahuja has revealed during interrogation that he has been running this racket with the help of his associates, from his own house, since last two years. He further disclosed that the other three accused are his paid workers who are given Rs.1000/- each besides the commission.
The amount of commission depends on the profits earned by committing this crime.