Lava has launched its new Tablet named E-Tab XTRON in India priced at Rs 6499. This is company's first tablet operating on Jelly Bean operating system. It's a 3G tablet.
Lava has aimed this tablet for the students and youth and specifically to the people who are looking for a cheap tablet with great features.
Here are the features and specification of Lava E-tab XTRON tablet:
E-tab XTRON tablet operates on latest Android v4.1.1 Jelly Bean Operating System and generates its power from 1.5 GHz Cortex A9 Dual Core Processor and Quad Core GPU.
Lava XTRON tablet sports a 7-inch IPS Multi Touchscreen display that has a resolution support of 1024x600 Pixels.
The dimension of this tablet is 184 x 131 x 11.5 mm and weighs 350 g.
XTRON tablet is topped with a 2 Mega Pixel primary camera.
This tablet comes with 1GB DDR3 RAM and 8 GB of internal storage out of which 5 GN is available for users.
It comes with Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g.
Output ports include a micro SD card slot that can be used to expand internal storage up to 32 GB, Micro USB port that has USB Dongle Support and 3.5 mm audio jack.
Lava XTRON tablet runs on a 3500mAh battery that gives the tablet a stand by time of up to 3.5 - 4 hours.
February 22, 2013 at 1:02 PM
I just bought a Wammy Desire from Wickedleak and it is a marvellous tablet..I am just in love with it..The touch is smooth and no lags when playing shadow gun on it...I would recommend you all Wammy Desire as it is performing satisfactorily amazing and one can do all he wants on this..