Delhi has become the first state in the country to introduce e-court fee system in all its district courts. Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit has said that the new system was first introduced in Delhi High Court in the month of November, 2012. Now all six district courts are since implementing the new system. The last to implement this is Karkardooma District Court, where the system was introduced on 6th of this month.
The District Courts at Dwarka, Karkardooma, Patiala House, Rohini & Saket have also implemented e-court fee system. Revenue Department in switching over from adhesive stamps to e-stamping system in the shortest possible time. In fact, the entire exercise has been completed in the six district courts within just three weeks i.e. in mid January, 2013 and first week of this month.
It is a major step forward in the direction of modern judicial system and e-governed state. Further, it is also an important step forward in the direction of making functioning of the court paperless. The e-court fee system would go a long way in overcoming any possibility of stamp scam like much-talked Telgi scam.
She added that it is a fully computerized interface through its both public as well as lawyers can generate court fee receipts through the authorized collection Centres. A single sheet of paper suffices for any amount of court fee to be generated.
In making this possible, the Revenue Department, the Computer Committee of Hon'ble High Court, Delhi and M/s. Stockholding Corporation of India Ltd. have worked in tandem to develop a foolproof system to make the things easy in the courts.
It may be recalled that e-court fee system was introduced in Delhi High Court on 20th November 2012.