Thiruvanathapuram, Dec. 22 (ANI): As Christmas is round the corner, specially-abled girls doubled their joy as they displayed their talent at a crib making competition organised on a beach in Thiruvanathapuram.
The girls participated in the competition with great enthusiasm.
The participants depicted the nativity scene which is the special exhibition of the birth scene of Jesus Christ. The depictions included infant Jesus his mother Mary and Joseph and other characters like shepherds, sheep, angels and farm animals.
"This event is organized to raise funds for children who are not abandoned by nature but are abandoned by their parents, since they are specially-abled. The programme was named as "Pulkkoode" (CRIB) competition and the function was inaugurated by Reverent Father K Manno and the guests included Shashi Tharoor and V Shibu Kumar," said Reegal Gomas, one of the organizers.
Junior Education Minister, Shashi Tharoor said it was not just the job of women to fight for their empowerment, but everyone should support the cause.
"Stree Shakti is not just applies to women, this issue holds importance towards all Indians. We all respect our mothers and we also pray to Gods in the form of Mother Mary but if we have to evaluate ourselves and keep a check on our daily behavior, the question which becomes significant is - are we paying the same respect to girls in general, as given to others?, " asked Tharoor. (ANI)