The Leader of BJP Legislature Party Dr. Harsh Vardhan has accused that Aam Aadmi Party had entered into a secret understanding with the Congress Government and Congress Party even before the elections. He alleged that AAP should clear its stands on the sensitive issues like Batla encounter and favouring of Separatist in Jammu and Kashmir.
Party CM candidate and leader Dr. Harshvardhan said that AAP has acted like an ally of the Congress during the elections because the Congress Party and the Government had information that they are going to lose the election due to price spiral and corruption.
Why the leader of the AAP Legislature Party Arvind Kejriwal and his advisors are change their statement again and again and misleading the people whereas they could have made their stand clear on forming Government.BJP has reached to this position only after following some policies and principals.
The stand of the party is clear that it is different from the party indulging in anti national politics and the politics of cast and religion. Hence this party is called party with a difference. Can the BJP cooperate with such anti national party like AAP in any condition?
This party had insulted martyr Mohan Chand Sharma who has sacrificed his life in Batla House encounter. People of Delhi have not forgotten this incident. The leader and advisor of AAP Prashant Bhushan had plead in favor of the separatists of Jammu and Kashmir and told that Kashmir should be separated from India. Will the people of Delhi and country eccept such anti national act?