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Tejpal gets interim bail, flies to Goa (Afternoon Lead)

Delhi,Crime/Disaster/Accident,Immigration/Law/Rights,Media, Fri, 29 Nov 2013 IANS

New Delhi/Panaji, Nov 29 (IANS) Accused of sexually assaulting a colleague, Tehelka editor-in-chief Tarun Tejpal flew to Goa Friday, after a court in Goa granted him interim bail till 2.30 p.m.

"I am going to Goa," Tejpal told the media in a brief comment at the Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi before taking a flight to Panaji.

Tejpal had Thursday first sought time till Saturday to appear before the Goa Police but later said he would reach Panaji Friday. The police turned down his request and officials indicated he could be arrested.

Goa Police said Friday that they had been trying to reach Tejpal since Thursday evening but had failed.

A Goa Police team went to Tejpal's New Delhi residence and homes of other relatives and friends Friday accompanied by Delhi Police officials but drew a blank.

In the meantime, the district and sessions court in Panaji granted the veteran journalist interim bail until 2.30 p.m. Friday.

Tejpal's counsel said he would cooperate with the police investigation.

"He has always said he would cooperate with the investigation. He should have been given a reasonable time to arrive in Goa," the counsel added.

The union home ministry has sought a report from Goa Police on the Tejpal case, Minister of State for Home R.P.N. Singh said.

Tejpal is accused of sexually assaulting a junior colleague twice during a conference the weekly magazine held in Goa this month.


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