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CBI chief expresses regret for 'rape' remark, NCW says its meaningless

New Delhi, Wed, 13 Nov 2013 ANI

New Delhi, Nov.13 (ANI): Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Director Ranjit Sinha on Wednesday expressed regret for causing hurt to anyone inadvertently through his remark on "rape", saying he has deep sense of regard and respect for women and commitment to gender issues.

"I gave my opinion that betting should be legalized, and that if the laws cannot be enforced, that does not mean that laws should not be made. This is as erroneous as saying that if rape is inevitable, one should lie back and enjoy it," Sinha had said on Tuesday during an interaction with th media.

"I regret any hurt caused, as the same was inadvertent and unintended. I reiterate my deep sense of regard and respect for women and commitment to gender issues," he said on Wednesday.

However, the National Commission for Women said that his regret was meaningless, and sent Sinha a notice to explain reasons for making the controversial remark.

NCW chairperson Mamata Sharma had earlier in the day demanded the resignation of Sinha.

"I am sorry to say (that) an agency, which is there for women's security, the head of that institution is saying this. I think if he has said so, he should resign," said Sharma.

"We thought we had to sensitise people at lower levels, but this example shows that people at higher level also have to be sensitised," she added.

BJP leader Nitin Gadkari has demanded Sinha's resignation over his rape comment.

BJP spokesperson Nirmala Sitharaman asked if the CBI director's colleagues and family agreed with his view.

Sinha was participating in a panel discussion being moderated by editor-in-chief of India Express Shekhar Gupta. Former Indian cricket captain Rahul Dravid and BCCI's anti-corruption chief R N Sawani were among other participants.

The CBI director, who was on the panel of a session on "Ethics and integrity in sports - need for a law and role of CBI". (ANI)


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