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One ton satellite falling from space to Earth raises concern

Washington, Sun, 10 Nov 2013 ANI

Washington, Nov 10 (ANI): A big one ton European satellite is about to fall out of orbit and is expected to hit the earth on Sunday night or early Monday, it has been revealed.

Jeffrey Kluger, editor-at-large for Time magazine told CBS News that people should be "a little bit worried, but not unduly so."

He said that whenever you have one ton of hardware coming down, no one knows where, that's not a good thing.

Kluger said that experts knew this was going to happen as it was flying low.

He said it only has a small, putt-putt ion engine on it that's good for fine maneuvers, but it's not good for getting it out of harm's way, so this one was definitely going to come down at some point or other.

The journalist said that the experts predict that this satellite could drop "at any arbitrary point on the surface of the world," but there is little worry of being hit because 70 percent of the world is water and of the 30 percent of the Earth that is land only a small percentage of that is inhabited. (ANI)

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