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Manmohan Singh lauds old friend Professor B.N. Goswami

New Delhi, Fri, 18 Oct 2013 ANI

New Delhi, Oct 18 (ANI): Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, who released the book: Indian Painting: Themes, History and Interpretations: Essays in honour of Professor B.N. Goswami here today, said the latter has made the world at large more aware of the nuances of Indian art through a variety of ways, including teaching in universities in the United States and Europe.

Dr. Singh said Professor Goswami has over the years acquired an iconic status.

"His work, particularly in the area of Indian paintings, has been deeply influential. He has made the world at large more aware of the nuances of Indian art through a variety of ways, including teaching in universities in the United States and Europe," he added.

Dr. Singh said it is a fitting tribute to Prof. Goswami that reputed scholars from all over the world have come together to contribute to this magnificent volume entitled "Indian Painting: Themes, History and Interpretations", being published in his honour.

"I understand that apart from opening up new perspectives on various aspects of Indian painting, the volume also contains information about several new research initiatives. I have had an occasion to glance through the book and, notwithstanding my little knowledge about its vast subject, it looks truly authoritative and truly impressive," said Dr. Singh.

"I am sure that it will be of great use to everyone who is interested in the subject of Indian art and particularly in the subject of Indian painting," he added.

The Prime Minister also recalled his long association with Professor Goswami on the occasion.

"It's a great honour and a privilege for me to have this unique opportunity to release this volume of essays in honour of Professor Brijender Goswami. I have of course no claim to have done anything in the field of art, but I do claim that I have known Brijender from his college days, when we both were students in Hindu College, Amritsar, and later on in Panjab University college and still later on when we both taught in the Punjab University," said Dr. Singh.

"As I said I have known Brijender from about six and a half decades back, and I can tell you that his scholarship was as impressive then as it is now. We studied together in Hindu College, Amritsar and then taught together in the Panjab University for some time. Professor Goswami had joined the university after saying no to a career in the Indian Administrative Service for which he had qualified," he added.

Dr. Singh further said, "In those days quitting the IAS, the privileged service that it was, was a very difficult and unheard of thing to do, but then Professor Goswami has always been a man of conviction. He clearly heard the calling of his heart early in life. And it has been the gain of the world of art that he did so."

"And that we all gathered here to celebrate his 80th birthday is a double bonanza," he added.

Dr. Singh congratulated the editors and publishers for this excellent volume.

"I wish Prof. Brijender Goswami many many years ahead of scholarship, good health and happiness. And I should like also to congratulate his gracious wife Karuna ji who induced me to accept this invitation and I am very grateful to her that she did me that honour," he said. (ANI)

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