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Delhi's Ramlilas have a social message to offer

New Delhi,Human Interest/Society, Sun, 06 Oct 2013 IANS

New Delhi, Oct 6 (IANS) Besides making people aware about gender equality and appealing them to vote, those staging Ramlilas based on epic Ramayana will this year also spread a social message.

A Ramlila organising committee here will show the way by burning a fourth effigy - besides those of Ravana, Kumbhakarna and Meghnad - symbolizing rise in crime against women.

"Apart from the three effigies of Ravana, Kumbhakarana and Meghnad, there will be a fourth effigy that will symbolize the rise in crime against women," Hari Chand Agarwal, president of Nav Shri Dharmik Lila committee, told IANS.

"The four effigies will be burnt this year on Dussehra," he said.

According to Agarwal, the fourth effigy will be around 60 feet in height as compared to the other three traditional effigies, which are around 100 feet tall.

Also, announcements will be made from the stage appealing to everyone in the gathering to cast their vote.

Another organising committee, Lav-Kush Ramlila Committee said it would appeal to people to respect women and exercise their right to vote.

"We want to tell the youth that any form of aggression towards women is a sin," Arjun Kumar, secretary of the committee, told IANS.

Both the Ramlilas take place opposite to each other, in the old quarters of the city near the historic Red Fort.

Meanwhile, Shri Navyuvak Ramlila committee at Kashmere Gate would be providing free ambulance services to the city's poor starting Oct 10.

"We will bear the fuel bills (of the ambulance) and anyone around the city can use the service," said Avtar Singh, general secretary of the committee.

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