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Pranksters promising 450,000 pounds to users on Google anniversary to gain access to personal info

Washington, Sat, 28 Sep 2013 ANI

Washington, Sept. 28 (ANI): In what appears to be a major prank played on Google fans, an email was reportedly sent to users, informing them that they have won an award worth 450,000 pounds as a part of the site's promotion on its 15th anniversary.

The email, sent by Evans Lucas (Public Information Officer), directed the users to a PDF letter attachment giving details about the computer generated ballot system that chose winners which was organized by Google Inc.

The content of the attached document read that the Anniversary Centre of Google Inc randomly selected 10 email addresses through a computer ballot system to receive the cash prize of their for- profit philanthropic wing (GOOGLE.ORG) promotion.

The attached letter then further asked for the users' full name, telephone number and residential address to claim the prize.

A unique number and an identification number have also been mentioned to each of those 'lucky winners'.

The letter sent by Martin Kyle, mentioned in the email as the Information Officer for Google Inc. congratulates the users and hopes that they will continue to use the world's most preferred search service. (ANI)

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