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Samsung mimics Apple by using 64-bit processors for its next smartphones

London , Fri, 13 Sep 2013 ANI

London, Sept. 13 (ANI): Samsung has reportedly confirmed that its next range of smartphone would feature 64-bit processors.

This comes amidst Apple's release of its next iPhones featuring A7, 64-bit processors, claimed to offer 'desktop-class architecture'.

However, the Android operating system, on which the Samsung gadgets work, would require to be updated before the devices could be compatible to the 64-bit shift.

According to the BBC, experts believe that most apps are unlikely to benefit immediately from the shift from 32-bit technology and could lead to compatibility problems in the future including more battery consumption.

The Android operating system would need to be updated before Samsung's Galaxy devices could take advantage of a shift to 64-bit.

The report said that operating systems written for 32-bit chips can only access up to 4GB of RAM, but those written for 64-bit processors can, in theory, support up to 16 billion gigabytes of RAM.

Samsung's forthcoming Galaxy Note 3 handset would come with 3GB of RAM and also feature a bigger-than-normal 3,200 mAh battery.

Stephen Lum from Visual Candy Apps welcomed the shift and said that though many apps won't be able to take advantage of 64-bit initially but the beauty of what Apple did is that they said it takes an iOS developer, like him, two hours to convert to 64-bit, which is amazing.

Chris Green from the Davies Murphy Group consultancy, said that when app makers do decide to transition to fully 64-bit, it will create a divide in the market, like seen in the Windows world when software makers moved from 32-bit to purely 64-bit, the report added. (ANI)

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