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India urged to oppose military intervention in Syria

New Delhi,Diplomacy,Politics, Sun, 25 Aug 2013 IANS

New Delhi, Aug 25 (IANS) The Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) Sunday urged the Indian government to come out against what it said was a planned military intervention by the US and NATO in Syria.

The CPI-M said in a statement that an attack on Syria would be discussed by the military chiefs of the US and its allies in Amman.

"The government of India should come out against any military intervention and advocate a political solution for the conflict in Syria."

The CPI-M said the US and its allies had been planning a military intervention in Syria against the Syrian government -- a la Libya.

"But they were thwarted because the UN Security Council did not approve such an action.

"The current pretext for the military attack is the alleged use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government forces near Damascus.

"There has to be an independent investigation to substantiate this claim and if so who has used the neurotoxic agent.

"The US and the Western powers have no credibility in making this charge as they used a similar pretext of 'weapons of mass destruction' to attack Iraq."

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