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New social network for positive people only

internet, Sun, 28 Jul 2013 ANI

New York, July 28 (ANI): A new social network, called Happier, has been started by an entrepreneur, which is exclusively for happy people.

Nataly Kogan, Happier's co-founder and 'Chief Happiness Officer,' told the New York Daily News that there are simple things people can do to change their brain chemistry, to make them happier.

She said that one of those things is writing down about what makes us feel happy, no matter how trivial it may seem.

Kogan, who was an entrepreneur working with PayPal before quitting to launch Happier, said that studies have reported that if a person has a pal who is positive, they are going to be more optimistic.

She said that happy people are more productive, they choose better diets, and sleep better.

Kogan explained that she came up with the idea after realizing that her own life wasn't very happy.

The 37-year-old launched the Boston-based startup last year and the Happier app was released in February this year. (ANI)

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