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Indian origin designer's street lights only glow when people are around

Washington, Sun, 21 Jul 2013 ANI

Washington, July 21 (ANI): An Indian origin designer has invented an intelligent LED street lighting system called Tvilight that only illuminates when it detects people around.

Dutch designer Chintan Shah and his team collaborated with Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands to develop a sensor, called CitySense, that can detect human presence and provide 360 coverage around a light-pole.

According to Shah, CitySense has two main functions - it dims the light during off-peak hours, but as soon as a person is detected all the surrounding lights glow fully, so they are always in a safe circle of light, CNN reported.

The plug-and-play sensor, integral to the Tvilight lighting network, sends wireless signals to neighboring lights when people are detected.

It can be fitted in both conventional and new LED lights and is a major step towards more sustainable roads. (ANI)

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