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Model village in Uttarakhand to boost tourism, help locals

New Delhi,Business/Economy, Tue, 16 Jul 2013 IANS

New Delhi, July 16 (IANS) Aiming to boost tourism and rehabilitating locals in flood-ravaged Uttarakhand, the Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO) plans to set up a model village that will attract tourists while providing employment opportunities to locals, an official said Tuesday.

"We have decided to adopt a village to be set up as model village somewhere near Uttarkashi? its main aim would be to promote tourism and help the villagers financially," Gour Kanjilal, executive director of IATO, told IANS.

"Our team is currently in Uttarakhand for a recce? we will select a location soon," he added.

The landslide and flash floods last month killed hundreds of people and thousands are missing. Thousands of houses were uprooted, hundreds of bridges and roads washed away or destroyed in landslides and gushing rivers.

According to Kanjilal, once the model village has been set up, people who have lost their homes and livelihoods will get guaranteed food, shelter, education and healthcare.

"We will showcase the Himalayan culture and way of life in these villages. Tourists would be able to buy local handicrafts, food etc? temporary hospitals, schools and market will also be set up and once the locals get back on their feet, they can return to their respective villages," he said.

When asked whether tourists would be willing to go there, Kanjilal said that a lot of foreign tourists were willing to help the locals and the model village will act as a medium between the two groups.

"There are tourists who believe in voluntary tourism which means to help the people in need even if you are holidaying? not all of them come here to dance and drink," he said.

"As far as the domestic tourists are concerned, they will always visit Uttarakhand, just give them a few months' time," he added.

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