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Mumbai boy kidnapped, killed by kin for ransom

Mumbai,Crime/Disaster/Accident, Wed, 15 May 2013 IANS

Mumbai, May 15 (IANS) Two debt-ridden youths, who allegedly kidnapped a minor boy to demand a hefty ransom, allegedly killed and burnt the victim after their plan went awry, police said here.

The incident happened two days ago Monday when victim Aditya Ranka, the 13-year old son of a diamond merchant, was kidnapped by his cousin, Himanshu Ranka, 28, and his friend Brijesh Sanghvi, 25.

The duo hit upon the kidnap plan after they incurred losses in IPL betting amounting to more than a million rupees.

In order to ward off suspicion, they duo even helped the distraught parents of Aditya, Jitendra and Chandrika to "search" for the missing boy and assisted in lodging a police complaint in the same car in which they abducted and later stabbed him.

The game was up after Aditya's father Jitendra Ranka saw Aditya's slippers in Sanghvi's white Honda City vehicle and an examination led to discovery of blood in the car.

However, till late Tuesday, the V.P. Road Police officials were still grappling with the kidnap puzzle based on the interrogation and sequence of events given by the accused duo.

Finally the duo spilled the beans and confessed to the crime committed out of fear that the victim would name them if released.

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