New Delhi, May 13 (ANI): Expressing profound grief over the death of 24-year-old civil services aspirant from Bangalore, who committed suicide on Saturday with his family blaming an alleged goof-up in the UPSC exam results as the reason for his act, the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) on Monday said V.Y. Manjunath with the roll number 538950 had failed to clear the preliminary examination and hence his claim was not correct.
However, the matter has been examined thoroughly by the commission and the facts of the case as available in records are as follows:
V Y Manjunath S/o Yadav Murthy VP, had applied for Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2012. He was allotted Roll No. 538950 and was allotted Bangalore Centre for this examination. The candidate had actually appeared from this centre under the Roll No.538950. However, he has failed to qualify in the Civil Services (Prelim.) Examination, 2012. In the result indicating the list of qualified candidates for the CS (P) Exam, 2012 the candidate with Roll No. 538950, viz. V Y Manjunath is not listed in the list of qualified candidates. Hence, V Y Manjunath, having not qualified the CS (P) Examination, 2012, was not a candidate for the Civil Services (Main) Examination and accordingly could not have appeared for the CS (Main) Examination and Interview as claimed in a section of the Press. It is also confirmed from our records that no candidate with this roll number (538950) or with this name (MANJUNATH V Y) had appeared for the CS (Main) Examination or the interview.
The Commission received a fax message on 7/5/2013 from one G S Pradeep Kumar claiming to be a friend of V Y Manjunath in which it has been said that in the result list announced by the Commission the name of B Ashwin against the roll No. 538745 has been indicated instead of V Y Manjunath. No letter/representation was even received in the Commission from the candidate himself.
It is confirmed that as per the records of the Commission B Ashwin S/o K. Bhaskaran having roll No. 538745 was a candidate and he has qualified in the CS (P) Exam as well as the CS (Main) Examination, 2012 and is figuring in the list of finally recommended candidates by the Commission. Hence the result announced by the Commission is correct and correctly indicates the name of Mr. B Ashwin having roll No. 538745. (ANI)