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Most women 'can't get enough of sex like men'

New York, Sat, 04 May 2013 ANI

New York, May 4 (ANI): Contrary to what the countless sitcoms seem to portray, there are plenty of women who want sex more than their male partners.

To put the only stereotype of the frigid female to rest-and to shed light on the dissatisfaction a lot of women feel in their sexual relationships - Huffington Post put out a call for stories from women who had been physically involved with a partner who didn't share their sex drive.

From age 25 to 65, single, in relationships and married, women wrote about how they have struggled-or are still struggling-with the fact that they want sex more than their partners, often much, much more.

The stories do not blame men or women for these issues, but showcases that sexual frequency is an issue for partners regardless of gender, age or marital status.

Some couples were both tired, stressed, sore, and overworked by the end of the day to make love. But the women like to set aside everything and be intimate with their husbands.

Unfortunately, he doesn't have the same ideas. He's too tired, or too sore, or just "not in the mood."

This calls for the woman accept that she is just going to have to be the aggressor 95 percent of the time.

For some their partners bought them a vibrator so they would be happy and leave him alone.

Some have tried making their partner's favorite meals, doing a week's worth of really nice things to get him in a happy state of mind, wearing sexy clothes and lingerie, but it just doesn't work.

They have no idea what turns him on.

Some husbands don't respond to pressure, hates talking about it and it's causing stress on their marriages.

This drives the woman unhappy with their marriage and just frustrated that they do not get any sex.

Many have tried going to a sex therapist but things don't seem to work, when the sexual urges of the woman is more than the man. (ANI)


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