Washington, May 2 (ANI): Researchers at IBM have created the world's smallest stop-motion movie.
The video 'A Boy and His Atom' features thousands of atoms that have been carefully arranged into nearly 250 frames with a scanning tunneling microscope (STM), a Nobel Prize-winning tool invented by scientists at IBM three decades ago. The tool first allowed scientists to visualize single atoms.
"It weighs two tons, operates at a temperature of negative 268 degrees Celsius [minus 450 degrees Fahrenheit] and magnifies the atomic surface over 100 million times," Christopher Lutz, an IBM research scientist, said of the machine.
To position the atoms, the team used the microscope to drag a super-sharp needle along a copper surface.
This needle, positioned just a nanometer away from the surface, attracted the atoms and pulled them into place so that the scientists could take still images for each movie frame.
The film shows a boy playing with a single atom, dancing and jumping on a trampoline, Fox News reported.
It was verified as the world's smallest stop-motion movie by Guinness World Records. (ANI)