New Delhi, April 22 (IANS) Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar Monday said only an attitudinal change in people and society can check "inhuman" crimes like the brutal rape of a five-year-old girl in the capital.
"Even before the emotional turmoil of the Dec 16, 2012 incident in which a young girl was gang-raped in a moving bus in New Delhi had subsided, we are witness to another horrific incident of rape of a five-year-old child by senseless persons in Delhi," she said in the house in the morning.
The speaker said: "Though parliament has recently passed a tougher legislation to prevent rape, the evil has not abated. Such incidents are still on the rise throughout the country".
"Law alone cannot, however, prevent such incidents. A change in attitude of people and society only will check such inhuman crimes against children and women. I am sure the house would join me in condemning this barbaric incident and praying to god for the speedy recovery of the child."
Before making these remarks, as soon as the house assembled in the morning, Kumar paid tributes to former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher, who passed away April 8.
She also led the house in paying tributes to the victims of a building collapse in Thane, Mumbai, which left 74 dead. She made a mention also of the terrorist strike in Boston in the United States.