Yokohama (Japan), April 14 (ANI): Japan's leading electronics manufacturer Toshiba has introduced the latest CT scan machine at the International Technical Exhibition of Medical Image held in Yokohama, Japan.
It is a fusion of medical, digital and image technology and helps to reduce health-related complications through accurate and safe interventional procedures.
The CT scan detector is said to be the fastest, cleanest and safest application for the human body.
It can grasp an image of the heart within 0.275 seconds.
Earlier, doctors used to inject chemicals into a patient to control the pulse of the heart, but now, with the latest CT scan technology, this is not necessary.
The new technology also avoids stopping of breath and longtime exposure to radiation. This technology is set to be available in a 14.8 square meters sphere.
Toshiba introduced glassless and 4K 3D display for medical treatment.
3D display was not popular earlier, but is now being accepted by the medical fraternity, so much so, that human organs are reflected brilliantly by 4K technology.
Toshiba produces Angio, an image system that can detect an aneurysm or ruptured blood vessel.
Angio has a large share of the market, because this technology avoids long time exposure to radiation.
Angio is a fusion of various technologies and Toshiba is all set to take the next step in the medical frontier. (ANI)