London, Apr 5 (ANI): Number of people following Pope Francis on micro blogging platform Twitter has doubled from 2.5 million to 5.0 million in just seven weeks.
The account @pontifex - the word "pope" in Latin, has tweets in nine languages including English, Spanish, Arabic and Latin.
The number on all nine accounts put together went over five million for the first time on Thursday, the Telegraph reports.
Benedict launched the account on December 12 after encouraging Catholic Church leaders to use social media to reach a wider and more youthful audience.
The Vatican has said the tweets are approved by the pope although not actually written by him and are sent from a single computer to avoid hacking.
According to the paper, the number of followers on the Spanish-language account of Latin America's first pope has risen particularly sharply to 1.6 million.
The Argentinian account was still trailing in Portuguese with 188,000 followers, the report added. (ANI)