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Meet NYU student who earns $500 to $800 a week as 'foot prostitute'

New York , Mon, 11 Mar 2013 ANI

New York, March 11 (ANI): A 19-year-old NYU student who became a "foot prostitute" after responding to a Craigslist ad last year has shared her experiences as a 'foot hooker'.

Olivia, who declined to give her full name, said she offers her toes to men for the promise of 500 dollars to 800 dollars a week part-time, according to the New York Post.

According to her, the ad, which read, "Girls With Pretty Feet Needed (age 18-30) (Lower East Side)," asked for only her name, phone number and a headshot.

She said within four hours after responding to the ad, the advertiser contacted her and told her to get a pedicure and dress like "you're going to a club".

She was then asked to come at a Midtown spa. When she reached there, she found more than 30 girls already waiting in the lobby dolled up in corsets, 5-inch heels and speaking everything but English.

After dark, the place was decorated to look like a bordello, she said.

Olivia and the herd of those selected walk into the smaller room where the man who placed the ad interrogated them.

He asked the girls to bare their soles to look for high arches and small feet, Olivia said.

After analysing each of the girls' feet he selected only 10 girls and the rest were sent home unpaid, she revealed.

The customers, men who came to experience the foot, brought the girliest drinks possible, whipped-cream Svedka, cherry flavored vodka, Olivia said.

After the girls get a little liquored up, the men appear, each paying a 100-dollar entrance fee to the foot pimp.

Then each man chooses his girl and takes her to a private massage room.

Olivia recalled how a man constantly asked her if she is OK with what he's doing as he rips her black stilettos off with his teeth, massaging her calves, groaning while sucking her toes clean.

The man enjoyed himself as he put Olivia's whole foot in his mouth, but he kept his clothes on as he gratified himself, Olivia said.

After he is done with her, Olivia said he paid her and went back into the main lobby to find another foot to kiss.

The fancy footwork lasted 40 minutes and with tip, she said she made 200 dollars.

Most girls have multiple footmen, and Olivia said she would gladly do it again. (ANI)

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