New Delhi, Mar. 8 (ANI): Communications and Information Technology Minister Kapil Sibal inaugurated India's First all Women Employees Post Office at the Shastri Bhawan here today on the occasion of International Women's Day.
This office is a Project Arrow Office and has three counters. Two counters offer Multi Purpose services like booking of Speed Post, Registration, Sale of IPO's, Booking of Money Orders etc. and an exclusive counter for Sale of Stamps. Women employees will now man all these counters of the Post Office. The working hours of this Post Office will be from 9.30 a.m. till 5.30 p.m.
There are 1003 women employees at the operative level in the Delhi circle, and their percentage in total work force is about 14 percent. In the administrative cadres, the percentage is 22 percent.
The Junior Engineer [Civil] is In-charge of maintenance of this Post Office building, the Assistant Superintendent of Post Offices of the Postal Sub Division as well as Senior Superintendent of Post Offices of Delhi Central division who are controlling officers of this Post Office are also woman. This possibly is a new beginning to a better India. (ANI)