Washington, Feb. 9 (ANI): A teenage girl pocket dialled her mother, while she was in a movie theatre watching a horror movie, which resulted in her mom calling the police.
A Canadian mother called police this week after receiving a nightmarish call from her daughter, filled with blood-chilling screams and a man shouting murderous threats, ABC News reported.
Constable Mike Russell, spokesman for the Victoria, British Columbia, police said that the mother took a call from her daughter and heard lots of screaming, running, threatening comments and panicked, and when she couldn't reach her daughter, called 911.
The mother told police that she recently had an argument with her daughter, but did not know where she was.
Police discovered that the girl was at a movie theatre in Victoria, anticipating the worst, even an Aurora, Colorado-style attack, cops were preparing to descend on the cinema when a dispatcher tried calling the girl's cell phone one last time.
The girl answered her phone and said that she was not being attacked by a murderer, instead she was sitting in the audience watching the horror film 'Cabin in the Woods,' and the screams her mother had heard were just part of the movie. (ANI)