Washington, Feb 8 (ANI): BlackBerry has said that its new Z10 smartphone will not be launched in Japan.
First reported by Japanese newspaper the Nikkei business daily and confirmed by AllThingsD, Blackberry's global roll-out for its new platform and mobile handset will not include Japan.
In a statement to AllThingsD, BlackBerry said in that Japan is not a major market for BlackBerry, and they have no plans to launch BlackBerry 10 devices there at this time, Mashable reports.
The company will continue to support existing customer devices.
According to the report, BlackBerry's plans for a China launch are still unclear
Although BlackBerry has strong support in parts of Asia, namely Indonesia, the company has struggled in Japan, the report said.
In June 2012, BlackBerry's smartphone share was reported at under 0.4 percent according to comScore, it added. (ANI)