New Delhi, Jan 10 (ANI): The Union Cabinet today revised the cost estimate for the Salma Dam Project in Afghanistan to Rs.1,457 crore.
"The Cabinet approved the revised cost estimates of Rs.1457.56 crore for reconstruction and completion of the Salma dam project in Afghanistan by M/s. WAPCOS Ltd. towards civil, hydro-mechanical, electro-mechanical and other components of the dam till completion of the dam in December 2014 or two years from the date of approval of revised cost estimates," according Ministry of External Affairs press release.
The expenditure on the projects will be met from the Non-Plan head of 'Aid to Afghanistan' budget of the Ministry of External Affairs.
The Cabinet had approved the proposal in June 2010 for the revised cost estimates of Rs.854.86 crore upto December 2010. The project has registered physical progress of 60 percent.
The project is being executed by M/s WAPCOS, a central PSU under the Ministry of Water Resources.
The local communities of Western Afghanistan would directly benefit from the project.
The availability of power and water through the project upon its successful completion will lead to overall economic development of Afghanistan's Western region and generate goodwill for India in Afghanistan.
The completion of this project will address the issues of energy requirement and irrigation needs in Western Afghanistan. (ANI)