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India all set to launch 100th rocket mission

Chennai , Thu, 06 Sep 2012 NI Wire

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is all set to launch its 100th mission of the Indian Space Mission agency, which is likely to launch on Sep, 9 from Sriharikota satellite launch center in Andhra Pradesh. The remarkable 100th mission will be launched with two satellites including Japan and France each one. The countdown for the launching of the mission will be start on Friday.

According to ISRO sources, "On Thursday all the count down preparations will be done. Filling of liquid fuel in the fourth stage/engine and the control systems will start Friday. On Saturday, the fuel for the second stage/engine will be filled."

It is noted that the 715-kg French satellite, SPOT 6, which is an earth observation satellite, will be so far the heaviest foreign satellite to be launched by PSLV.

The Japanese satellite weighing 15 kg is called Proiteres. ISRO's commercial arm Antrix Corporation and French company Astrium SAS compete in the global market for vending remote sensing satellite imageries.

According to ISRO, the satellite launch agreement between Antrix and Astrium is part of the long-term agreement signed between the two agencies in Sep 2008.

It is noted that in November 2010, a communication satellite HYLAS was built for a European customer under an agreement between Antrix and Astrium.

The PSLV rocket has successfully launched a total of 53 satellites out of 54 it has carried, while ISRO has launched all the 27 foreign satellites successfully.

According to ISRO, India has built 62 satellites and 37 rockets starting from its first satellite Aryabhatta and rocket satellite launch vehicle (SLV).

The total number of space missions till date is 99.

(With inputs from IANS)

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