Taking the demand for resignation of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh a step ahead, the Bharatiya Janata Party has announced a nationwide protest against the scandal and corruption. BJP is demanding for the resignation of Prime Minister over call block allocations.
BJP spokesperson Prakash Javadekar announced that the party will hold a nationwide demonstration in 40 cities across the country.
"These allotments were just to pocket the coal blocks. We have decided to launch a nationwide agitation and on 31st (August), we will begin our fight against corruption," Javadekar told reporters.
"On August 31, September 1 and 2, our leaders will go to 40 cities and we will launch our protest," he added.
In addition to that, Javadekar criticised the government for delaying the clearance of power projects willingly.
"Many power projects are not going on the stream, though they have coal because they don't get- this government does not give --the environmental clearances, this is also one aspect of policy paralysis. So the policy paralysis of this government and non-governance is resulting into the stalemate like situation in the power scenario. It is not because of our demand, we are demanding of more transparency, we want faster production, nobody will object, nobody will ask for cancellations," said Javadekar.
The BJP targeted Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh who was in charge of the coal ministry, when the allocation was done. The recent CAG report estimated as a national loss of Rs 1.86 lakh crores in the coal block allocations of nearly 150 coalfields in the country to private and state-run firms without transparency and objectivity between 2005 and 2009.
-With inputs from ANI