Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa has once again requested to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to convene a meeting of the Cauvery River Authority. She has also advice Karnataka to release water in the Cauvery basin so that the irrigation of the state can be fulfilled.
In the latest letter, Chief Minister has urged Prime Minister to convene the meeting regarding the Cauvery River Authority, which is essential for the sharing of the river water.
Chief Minister has written in the letter as said the Supreme Court Aug 13 sought the views of the central government on convening a meeting of the CRA while hearing a petition filed by Tamil Nadu.
The prime minister as the chairperson of the CRA, Jayalalithaa said, should convene a CRA meeting and adopt a distress sharing formula as a situation of distress has now arisen in Tamil Nadu.
It is noted that the Cauvery River water sharing is an issue between Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.
(With inputs from IANS)