The Mayor of South Delhi, Mrs. Savita Gupta inspected the Okhla Sanitary Land Fill Site area where the waste to energy plant to generate energy disposing solid waste of the city is functioning. She was accompanied by the Chairman, Standing Committee, Mr. Rajesh Gehlot, Leader of the House, Mr. Subhash Arya and Municipal Commissioner, Mr. Manish Gupta besides other senior officers of the Corporation.
The Corporation in coordination with Okhla Waste Management Company has installed this plant. According to the agreement, 1500 metric tonnes of solid waste is provided by the Corporation to the plant, which disposes off it through boiler maintaining the temperature above 850 degree Celsius to generate 16 MW of energy daily.
On this occasion, Mayor Mrs. Savita Gupta informed that such plants play a very important role in the city solid waste management which help in disposing the garbage properly and get the energy - one of the scares sources of energy as its bye product. She informed that so far 38138 MW energy has been produced disposing 222000 tonnes of garbage. She also informed that all the parameters and guidelines laid down by the Pollution Control Authorities have been followed in the project.