Micromax has launched its third phone in the Bling series named X 44 Bling. However, unlike the first two (which were smartphones), X44 is a simple feature phone.
X44 Bling is studded with Swarovski Zirconia diamonds and it is being priced at mere Rs. 3,000. With this phone and the features it provide, Micromax is targeting budget customers of India.
Here are the features and specifications of Micromax X44 Bling.
Micromax X44 Bling is a dual-SIM (Dual GSM) phone. It has a dimension of 114mm X 48mm X 12mm and weighs just 82 grams.
Micromax X44 Bling sports a 2 Mega Pixel primary camera. It is topped with a 2.2-inch QVGA display
It has 256 MB RAM and 512 MB of internal storage that can be expanded up to 8GB using micro SD card.
Other features includes:
Micromax X44 Bling runs on a 950-mAh Li-ion battery that gives the phone a stand by time of up to 248 hours and a talk time of up to 8 hours.
The first two Bling phones are: Micromax Bling Q55, which was the first in the series and Bling 2, which was second.