Along with India, Facebook has launched its application center App Center in 6 other countries of the World. And now it is available in US, Australia, Canada, India, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, and the UK.
App Center was launched in US last month.
This App center helps users to recommends and find games, music services and media content easily for users based on their interests. It is more like a catalog that sends users to the appropriate app store for their device. These can be used within a browser or on a mobile device.
Drew Hoskins Software Engineer of Facebook wrote in his blog, "The App Center is now available to everyone available in US, Australia, Canada, India, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, and the UK".
"App Center makes it easier for people around the world to discover the best apps and games for them, wherever they are," he added.
Facebook is also planning to launch it in Brazil, France, Germany, Russia, Spain, Taiwan, and Turkey in coming days.
In order to each to a large number of users, Facebook is carrying out many changes and this App center is part of that plan. Out of 900 million monthly active users across the world, 80 per cent of its user resides outside US and Canada.
App Center icon is located on the left side of on Facebook. It is also available on iPhone and Android devices.